Detection zones are the areas where vehicle and/or bicycle detection takes place. One or more zones can be defined; the number is dependent on the requirments of the site. After laying out the physical zones, conditions, actions, and video overlays can be assigned.
For IntelliSight cameras, a quick setup can be accomplished by doing the following:
- Calibrate the Camera.
- Define Stopline Presence Zones by selecting the Zones From Calibration option.
- Set conditions and assign outputs for each zone using Easy Setup.
Click to perform the specific operation.
- Undo - Click once to undo the last action performed. Click again to undo the action before that, and so on.
- Redo - Click once to redo the last action undone. Click again to redo the undo before that, and so on.
- Add Zone - Adds one zone to the setup (see Stopline Presence and Advance Presence).
- Add Crosswalk - Adds a crosswalk zone.
- Add Waiting Zone - Adds a pedestrian waiting zone.
- Remove Zone - Removes the selected zone from the setup.
- Zones From Calibration - Creates the same zones that were laid out in the Camera Calibration process.
- Apply Changes - Saves the changes made to the configuration.
Roadway where zones will be set up.
Conditions, Actions, and Overlays panel - Used to assign conditions to a zone, as well as the actions to be taken when detection takes place. This panel is also used to add text overlays on the video display. For information on the various sections within this panel, see:
- Easy Setup
- Zones Explorer
- Actions Explorer
- Video Overlays
Select the check box to have overlays displayed on the static image on the Zone Setup screen only.
Select the check box to have video overlays displayed on the image when video is playing.
Snapshot/video controls. Click to refresh the image, play video, record video, and stop video.
NOTE: When recording video, the following characters cannot be used as part of the name.
- Asterisk (*)
- Back slash (\)
- Closed brace (})
- Dollar sign ($)
- Forward slash (/)
- Greater than (>)
- Less than (<)
- Percent sign (%)
- Pipe (|)
- Question mark (?)
Display window - Shows a snapshot from the device and any detection zones that are already defined.
Version 4.3.1 - Copyright © 2024, Image Sensing Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.