This is the opening screen for the Supervisor software. To sort the order of devices, click on a column heading to sort the devices according to the column information.
To select all devices in the list, select any device then press Ctrl+A. To remove a device from the list, right-click on it and select Remove Device.
Links to other operational screens. For additional information, see:
Firmware Update
Program Settings
Command Section: Click to perform the specific operation.
Learn Network - Locates devices on the network.
Restart Devices - Restarts the selected device(s).
Open Archive - Opens a previously saved archive file and creates an archive device in the device list.
Add Device by IP - Adds a device with the specified IP address to the device list. For IntelliSight camera devices, entering the IP address of an IntelliSight processor adds the IntelliSight processor and its connected and active IntelliSight cameras to the device list.
Device type icon. Click to access the Device Screen for the device. NOTE: The IntelliSight cameras are shown/hidden when the field expansion/collapse icon (#9) is clicked.
Status indicator.
Grey lightning bolt with red line: disconnected.
Blue lightning bolt with red line: connected and configured sensor is unhealthy.
Blue lightning bolt with black line: connected and unconfigured sensor.
Solid blue lightning bolt: connected and configured sensor is healthy.
NOTE: If the processor's lightning bolt has a line through it, a camera underneath needs attention.
Name of the device as entered in the first User Description field on the Device Settings screen (see Device Settings).
Status information about the device.
Firmware version currently installed on the device.
The URL from where the video stream is obtained.
Click to expand or collapse a display of the cameras associated with the IntelliSight processor. Only appears when View by Hierarchy has been selected (see Program Settings).
Used to search for devices based on model, description, firmware version, device ID, etc. A maximum of 30 characters can be entered.
Version of the Supervisor software currently running on the computer.
Version 4.3.1 - Copyright © 2024, Image Sensing Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.