Provides a list of specific operationas that can be performed from the screen on which the commands are listed.
Add a Crosswalk Zone
This command is initiated from the Zone Setup screen and is used to detect when pedestrians are present in the crosswalk. NOTE: One crosswalk can be added.
Add Device By IP
This command is initiated from the Home screen and is used to add an IntelliSight processor that is connected to a routed network to the device list.
To add a device, in the Commands section of the Home screen click Add Device By IP, in the pop-up window enter the IP address of the WAN port of the IntelliSight Processor to be added and if applicable, the port used for port forwarding, then click OK. If the device is connected and active, it is added to the device list. All active IntelliSight cameras connected to the IntelliSight processor are also added to the list.
Add a Pedestrian Waiting Zone
This command is initiated from the Zone Setup screen and is used to detect when pedestrians are waiting to cross an intersection. NOTE: Up to two waiting zones can be added.
Hard return before Restart Devices.
Add/Remove Lane
These commands are initiated from the Camera Calibration screen and are used to either add a lane to or remove a lane from the calibration layout.
Add/Remove Zone
These commands are initiated from the Zone Setup screen and are used to either add a zone to or remove a zone from the configuration layout.
Apply Changes
This command is initiated from various screens and is used to save changes made on the screen.
Cancel Install
This command is initiated from the Firmware Update screen and is used to stop a firmware update currently in progress.
Clear Configuration
(Only available when an IntelliSight camera is selected)
This command is initiated from the Device Screen and is used to remove the configuration set for an IntelliSight camera. This includes all zone set up information and the camera calibration for the sensor.
Learn Network
This command is initiated from the Home screen and is used to locate devices installed on the network. The Supervisor sends out a broadcast message on all active Ethernet networks, and any device that responds is shown in the device list.
Learning the network is usually not required, as the devices normally 'announce' themselves on the local network segment. This allows the Device List to populate automatically, in most cases.
To perform a learn, in the commands section of the Home screen, click Learn Network. Any device found on the network appears in the device list. NOTE: Devices that were included in the configuration by an Add By IP operation are refreshed when a Learn Network is performed.
This command is initiated from the Home screen and is used to open the update file.
Open Archive
This command is initiated from the Home screen and is used to open a previously saved archive file and create an archive device in the device list (see Opening an Archive File). An archive device is not connected to a real device and will have an icon to differentiate it from real devices. Despite not being connected, users can navigate to other pages and view archived contents specific to those pages. Users are not able to make changes and save them back into the archive file.
Restart Device
This command is initiated from the Device Screen and is used to restart the device from which the screen is displayed. The Status column will indicate that a restart is in progress and the communications icon will indicate no connection. Wait for the status message to disappear and for the communications icon to indicate that a connection has been re-established.
Restart Devices
This command is initiated from the Home screen and is used to restart one or more selected devices.
Restore Archive
This command is initiated from the Device screen and is used to download the contents of a previously saved archived file into the selected device (see Restoring an Archive File).
Save Archive
This command is initiated from the Firmware Update screen and is used to start the firmware update process.
These commands are initiated from the Camera Calibration and Zone Setup screens and are used to either undo an action that was performed or to redo an action that was undone.
Zones from Calibration
(Only available when an IntelliSight camera is selected)
This command is initiated from the Zone Setup screen and is used to automatically create zones based on the layout in the Camera Calibration screen. After initiating the command, select the type of lane layout to be used.
Version 4.3.1 - Copyright © 2024, Image Sensing Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.