This function is used to set the message period interval and the number and length of vehicle classes.
NOTE: The selection for Interval data should be made after the selections in the Legacy Protocols section.
- Click the Settings tab.
- In the Interval data section, click Change.
3. Select how often a statistical message is created. One record is created for each zone during each period.
4. Select the number of vehicle length classifications to be detected.
- The numbner of length classifications shown is one less than the number of classes selected because the last classification is everything greater than the last classification specified.
- If the selection for the Legacy protocol is None or Wavtronix Z1, up to eight (8) classifications can be selected. If the Legacy protocol is Sx-300, up to six (6) classifications can be selected.
5. Enter the length of each vehicle classification.
NOTE: The number of length classifications is one less than the number of classes selected because the last classification is everything greater than the last classification specified.
6. Select the number of speed bins in which speed data is to be separated.
NOTE: This parameter only appears when the selection for the Legacy protocol is None or Wavetronix Z1.
7. Enter the maximum speed for each bin.
The number of speed bins shown is one less than the number of bins selected because the last bin is all speeds greater than the last bin specified.
8. If a change was made, click Save changes.
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