This protocol indicates that data can be retrieved through the queries from the Data tab, the RTMS Echo APIs or from the supported RTMS Sx-300 protocols defined in the RTMS Echo Sx-300 Protocol Reference Guide.
NOTE: The selection for Legacy protocols should be made before the selections in the Interval data section.
- Click the Settings tab.
- In the Legacy protocols section, click Change.
3. For Protocol, select Sx-300.
4. To put the sensor in Stat mode, select the check box. If unchecked, the sensor is in polled mode.
In Stat mode, statistical messages are only transmitted at the end of every message period.
In Polled mode, only statistical data that is currently stored in the Echo buffer is transmitted and only when a matching sensor ID request is received by the Echo sensor. The default/fixed ID for the sensor is 1.
5. If Gap or Headway data is to be included in the statistical message select the check box.
If neither Gap nor Headway data is to be collected, leave both check boxes selected.
6. If Speed 85th percentile data is to be included select the check box.
7. For Transport, select whether the data from the sensor is tranferred through a TCP/IP or a serial connection. The default is TCP/IP. For additional information, see Serial Communications Using Sx-300 Protocol.
8. If the transport method is TCP/IP, enter the port number to be used for communicating with the Echo sensor. The default is 2000.
If the transport method is Serial, enter the IP address and port number of the serial terminal server in the cabinet. The port number must be separated from the IP address by a colon (e.g,
9. If a change was made, click Save changes.
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