The Zones Explorer section provides greater control than the Easy Setup over the assignment of conditions and actions. Use this section to do the following:
- Assign zone conditions for Vehicle or Bicycle Presence if they are not already assigned in the Easy Setup section.
- Set a delay for Vehicle or Pedestrian Presence.
- Assign zone conditions for Pulse, Phase Color, Presence with Phase, Snappy, Speed, and Stopped Vehicle.
- Assign zone condition for Pedestrian Crossing Rule in a Crosswalk Zone.
- Assign more than one Set Output action to a single condition.
- Remove Set Output actions from a condition.
- Remove the Display Zone action from a condition.
- A single zone covering multiple lanes is not recommended when using Pulse outputs.
- Click the Zones Explorer heading to expand the section.
- To add a condition, click the plus sign (+) to the right of the zone description and select the condition to be added.
- If adding a Phase Color condition, click the drop-down indicator to the left of Phase Color and select the phase this condition is associated with and the state associated with the phase.
- If adding a Presence with Phase condition, click the drop-down indicator to the left of Presence with Phase and select the phase this condition is associated with and the state associated with the phase.
- If adding a Snappy condition, click the drop-down indicator to the left of Snappy and select the phase this condition is associated with.
- If adding a Speed condition, click the drop-down indicator to the left of Vehicle Speed and select the Threshold, Speed, Dwell time, and Sample count associated with this condition.
- A Set Output action is automatically added to the Phase Color, Snappy, and Speed condition.
If adding a Stopped Vehicle condition, click the plus sign to the right of Stopped Vehicle to add a display zone.
3. To add a display action to a condition, click the plus sign (+) to the right of the condition and select Display Zone.
The first block defines the display color when the condition is active (detection has occurred) and the second block defines the color when the condition is not active (no detection).
NOTE: It is recommended that red not be used, as this is the color used by the system to indicate when the sensor is in failsafe mode. 4. To assign an output that will be sent to the controller when the condition is active, select the output number from the drop-down.
NOTE: It is recommended that red not be used, as this is the color used by the system to indicate when the sensor is in failsafe mode. 4. To assign an output that will be sent to the controller when the condition is active, select the output number from the drop-down.
- Outputs that cannot be shared by other devices or by other conditions do not appear in the selection list.
If a symbol appears to the left of the number it indicates that the output is used by more than one condition.
To see all the conditions/zones that use the same output, open Actions Explorer.
5. To set a delay for the activation of a Vehicle Presence condition, click the drop-down indicator to the left of Vehicle Presence.
One use of this function is for right turn zones that share an output with a through zone. For example, a right turn lane could have a delay in case a car that is making a right turn can turn right away and does not need to wait for a green light. If there is not a car waiting in the through lane, and the right-turning vehicle clears the zone before the delay, there is no call to the controller.
6. Select or enter the number of seconds to delay.
7. To collapse the options box, click the arrow to the left of Vehicle Presence.
8. When all conditions and actions have been defined, click Apply Changes.
On power up or when Apply Settings is activated, all assigned outputs are set to "call" (ON), and stay in "call" until detection sets the output OFF or for a maximum of five minutes, whichever occurs first. To change the initial state of the output or the set the output options, use the Actions Explorer.
After all zones are defined and configured, it is recommended that the configuration be archived (see Saving an Archive File).
Version 4.3.1 - Copyright © 2024, Image Sensing Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.