This screen is used to either upgrade or downgrade the firmware in one or more devices.
The Firmware Update screen can be reached from either the Home screen or Device screen.
If no devices are selected on the Home screen when Firmware Update is clicked, then all of the devices listed on the Home screen will appear on the Firmware Update screen.
The Firmware Update screen can be reached from either the Home screen or Device screen.
If no devices are selected on the Home screen when Firmware Update is clicked, then all of the devices listed on the Home screen will appear on the Firmware Update screen.
1. Select the device(s) to recieve the firmware update.
Use the Shift or Crl keys to select multiple devices. To select all devices in the list, select any device then press Crl+A.
2. Click Open.
Windows Explorer should open to the InstallFiles folder for the version of the Supervisor currently running. If not, navigate to where the Supervisor was installed. The default is: C:\Program Files (x86)\ISS\Supervisor vx.x.x.x\InstallFiles (where vx.x.x.x is the version number).
3. Select the file intellisightxxx
4. Click Open.
5. Click Start Install.
- If the install is cancelled, the download of the update file to the device is stopped. At this point the device is without a configuration and must be rebooted or a new configuration must be created.
- Cancel Install becomes disabled once the firmware file transfer is completed and the install begins.
NOTE: Cancel Install becomes disabled once the firmware file transfer is completed and the install begins.
6. The update is complete when the Status column indicates Firmware Install Completed and the communications icon indicates that the device is connected.
Version 4.3.1 - Copyright © 2024, Image Sensing Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.